It might come as good news for all those people who are dealing with type 2 diabetes. Experts have claimed that they have found a new and safe way to control blood sugar levels. Scientists have exposed diabetic mice to a static mix of electric and magnetic fields (EMF) for a few hours per day. This process has normalized two characteristics of type 2 diabetes. The team of experts has said that exposure to electromagnetic fields for a short period can reduce the blood sugar and stabilize the body’s reaction to insulin. The lead author of the study Dr. Calvin Carter has said that the effects of electromagnetic fields are long-lasting and safe. The findings of the study have opened up the possibilities for an EMF therapy, which can be used during sleep to manage diabetes all day long.
However, experts have said that new therapy may have some allusions in diabetes care for patients who find the current treatment a little awkward. The study shows that EMF can change the balance of oxidants and antioxidants in the liver. It improves the body’s response to insulin. This impact is arbitrated by the small molecules, which act as magnetic antennae. The co-author of the study, Sunny Huang has said that usually all these animals have high blood sugar and type 2 diabetes but after undergoing EMF therapy all diabetic mice have shown normal blood sugar levels. The animals used in the trial have been genetically modified to be diabetic.
This study indicates a quantum biological phenomenon where EMF interrelates with specific molecules. Experts have revealed that there are some molecules in our body, which act as magnetic antennae, which enable biological retort to EMF therapy. Few molecules are present in the body as oxidants said the experts. The EMF therapy changes the signaling of superoxide molecules located in the liver. It leads to an extended activation of antioxidant response and rebalances the redox set point of the body. It rebalances the insulin response as well. The author of the study has said that if we remove superoxide molecules from the liver, it will completely restrict the effect of EMF on blood sugar. Superoxide molecules have an important role to play in this whole process. This study has been published in the journal Cell Metabolism.