The head of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanam Gebreasus, said he hoped the coronavirus epidemic would be over by 2022. However, he has mentioned several conditions for this. One of them is that countries need to work together to prevent coronavirus infection.
The head of the WHO has issued a statement at the start of the Christian New Year, according to the BBC. In it, he warns about the nationalist attitude towards vaccines and the stockpiling of vaccines.
The coronavirus was discovered about two years ago in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. In other words, the head of the World Health Organization spoke about Corona’s departure two years after he was identified. When he talks about the defeat of Corona, about 290 million people around the world are affected by Corona. About 5.5 million people have died.
This is the situation when the Christian New Year is being celebrated all over the world. However, due to Corona, various restrictions have been imposed on this celebration in different countries. It is being called that the public meeting should not take place.
According to the BBC, the overall situation, including restrictions due to coronavirus, has now become a daily companion in human life. Many countries have closed their borders to prevent the spread of the virus. People have been separated from their families. Besides, going out without a mask is now a worry. Despite all this, the head of the World Health Organization sounded hopeful. He said that there are many treatments for Kovid-19 now.
We can expect that there will be high or extreme stress on hospital beds in 25 countries, and high or extreme stress in intensive care units in 49 out of 53 countries between now and 1 March 2022. Cumulative reported deaths are projected to reach over 2.2 million by spring next year, based on current trends.
“In order to live with this virus and continue our daily lives, we need to take a ‘vaccine plus’ approach. This means getting the standard doses of vaccine, taking a booster if offered, as well as incorporating preventive measures into our normal routines. Taken together, wearing a mask, washing hands, ventilating indoor spaces, keeping physical distance and sneezing into your elbow are simple, effective ways of gaining control over the virus and keeping societies going. All of us have the opportunity and responsibility to help avert unnecessary tragedy and loss of life, and limit further disruption to society and businesses over this winter season,” said Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe.
But at the same time, Tedros Adhanam also gave a warning. He said that maintaining the disparity in vaccines would increase the risk of new strains of the virus. “If we can get out of this inequality, the Corona epidemic will go away,” he added.