Sylhet MAG Osmani International Airport

There is no corona test lab at Sylhet airport, no worries about amicron


There is no RT-PCR laboratory for corona test at Osmani International Airport in Sylhet. As a result, concerns and anxieties have been raised in South Africa about a new type of coronavirus, ammonia. Corona testing of passengers from different countries is not possible as there is no lab at the airport.

However, the Sylhet Osmani International Airport Authority and the Health Department have expressed some relief saying that there is no direct flight between Sylhet and other African countries. However, those activities are currently in the process of determining the place. The health department team has sent a proposal to the health ministry to determine the location.

Hafiz Ahmed, manager of Sylhet Airport, said, “There are no direct flights from Sylhet to African countries. We are cooperating with the Department of Health to prevent emissions. In any passenger country traveling to Africa from a third country, we will actually cooperate as per the instructions of the health department.  Although there are no direct flights from Sylhet to African countries.

Ahmed Sirajum Munir, head of the health team working at the airport under the district civil surgeon’s office and Sylhet Sadar Upazila health and family planning officer, said there was no Corona laboratory at the airport. The health department cannot set up a laboratory if it wants to. There are several ministries here. Himanshu Lal Roy, director of the Sylhet Divisional Health Department, said, “240 passengers have returned home from Africa in two months. But the civil aviation does not have any information about those passengers. We are going into such a situation. Amicron can identify only two organizations in the country. In addition, by looking at the symptoms and history of the infected patient, it will be possible to know whether it is a new type or not. ‘

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