The head of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Gebreasus, said those who have not yet been vaccinated need to pay more attention to the booster dose. The WHO chief told reporters on Saturday local time.
Corona infections are once again on the rise in European countries. The WHO says Europe is once again at the center of an epidemic. In the last week alone, the corona of about 2 million people on the continent has been identified. The head of the WHO says Europe has never seen so many infections in a week since the epidemic began.
Meanwhile, the countries are issuing various restrictions to handle the epidemic. Many countries are trying to curb the spread of the disease by strengthening immunization or introducing booster doses. The World Health Organization says it is important to ensure that vaccines reach those most in need.
“It’s not about how many people are being vaccinated, it’s about who is being vaccinated,” said Tedros Adhanom Gebreasus. When health workers, the elderly and people at risk in different parts of the world are waiting for the first dose of vaccine, there is no point in giving booster dose to healthy people or vaccinating children.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has called on poorer countries not to give booster doses until the end of this year to ensure immunization. Many countries are still stockpiling vaccines for booster doses. According to Tedros Adhanom Gebreasus, the booster dose is six times higher than the first dose of vaccine given daily in poor countries. This is a scandal that needs to be stopped now.