Christmas is the biggest festival of the Christian community and people of all ages, including children, receive various gifts. Why would zoo animals be excluded from that gift? In that case, the two zoos in Germany and the Czech Republic are lucky. The animals have been given Christmas trees as gifts. Many animals ate that Christmas tree as a gift.
According to a report in the Washington Post, the German media said in a statement that they received about 200 Christmas trees as gifts last Wednesday. To create a festive atmosphere among zoo animals, an organization gives their unsold trees as gifts. Receiving great gifts creates a pleasant atmosphere inside the zoo. Plants are provided as a source of nutrition for some animals. The purpose of this gift was to give the opportunity to see the beautiful shape of the tree and smell the leaves. The zoo bison, wild goats, wild deer and elephants seem to be overwhelmed by the Christmas tree gift! Some animals eat the leaves of the Christmas tree. Some of them are angry with the Christmas tree.
According to the Berlin Zoo, the unsold Christmas tree animals are fed without any chemicals.
A similar incident took place earlier this week at the Prague Zoo in the Czech Republic, another European country. About six dozen Christmas trees are given as gifts to zoo animals. Later the animals worship the stomach with the trees.
The director of the zoo, Miroslav Bobek, said the Christmas trees were given to the animals as play rather than food.