Why Financial Education Is Priceless


The other reason why people need to start thinking about their financial arrangements is because gone are the days when individuals worked for a company their whole lives and then got a pension until they died. These days people are living longer, much longer, for children born in this decade it will not be unreasonable to assume they will live to beyond 100. Governments in the Western world, on the other hand, are bankrupt, they cannot really afford to look after their citizens in retirement, what we will therefore likely see is that the value of government pensions will fall and fall in real terms pushing hard working pensioners back to work or into poverty.


It is therefore so important that people get financially educated. They need to understand the importance of buying up assets and businesses which will be able to provide a source of income whether they can work or not. To reach that level of financial education will be a long hard struggle, it will require significant effort and a change of mindset but if you do not start on that path you will be risking having a very poor retirement.

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