The identity of one of the victims of a passenger boat sinking off the French coast of the English Channel has been found. Her name is Maryam Nuri Mohamed Amin (24). He is a citizen of Iraq. News from the BBC.
At least 26 people were killed when a passenger boat sank in the English Channel on Wednesday. The boat sank near the northern French coastal town of Cal on its way from France to the United Kingdom. French Interior Minister Gerald Dermanin said the dead included a girl and five women.
The woman’s fianc, who lives in the UK, told the BBC that Maryam had sent him a message when the boat sank. Mary tried to reassure him that they would be saved. But when help arrived, it was too late.
Two people have been rescued alive in the sinking incident. One of them is Iraqi and the other is Somali. This is the biggest accident on the English Channel in recent times.
Mary’s fiance said that Mary’s nickname was Baran. He boarded the boat with one of his female relatives. They were exchanging messages until just before the sinking.