Same thing not to get vaccinated!
The horrors of coronavirus are unknown. The new type of amicron corona has added to the panic. Various steps are being taken in the country to deal wiRead More…
The horrors of coronavirus are unknown. The new type of amicron corona has added to the panic. Various steps are being taken in the country to deal wiRead More…
The Seram Institute of India, one of the world’s leading vaccine manufacturers, has reportedly halved corona vaccine production. The company has deciRead More…
Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro has refused to vaccinate his 11-year-old daughter. He said this on Monday, local time. News Reuters.Balsonaro addedRead More…
Pfizer, a US pharmaceutical company, will allow poorer countries to produce low-cost corona pills. But before that, they have to pass the probationaryRead More…
Every week in the United States, a group of epidemiologists sit in a virtual meeting. During this time they analyzed and discussed the different typesRead More…
The United Kingdom is going to impose various restrictions in the face of fears about the new type of corona ‘Omicron’. As part of this, masks must beRead More…
Several new strains of the coronavirus have emerged since the outbreak of the Kovid-19 epidemic. The virus is constantly changing. A few days ago, thRead More…