Abell 2261

Scientists From NASA Claim A Supermassive Black Hole Is Missing Deep In Space


Scientists have done a study, which focuses on areas, which are away from the center of the galactic cluster called Abell 2261. The new study has raised hope that there might be evidence of an enigmatic and Supermassive black hole, which has been evading the telescope so far. Experts have said that our Galaxy, the Milky Way has a black hole, which is as enormous as four million suns lurking at its heart. Therefore, the gigantic galaxy, which is located at the center of the Abell 2261 cluster, might have an even more massive black hole, which has super strong gravity. Scientists have said that based on the mass of the galaxy, this enormous black hole might have a mass equivalent to as much as 3 to 100 billion suns. The gigantic galaxy located in the center of the Abell 2261 cluster is around 2.7 billion light-years away from Earth. The study has been done by experts from the University of Michigan. The findings of the study will be published in one of the journals of the American Astronomical Society.

Experts have said that this mysterious black hole in the heart of the Abell 2261 cluster has been evading the cameras so far. Earlier, they have tried to observe X-rays, which have been coming from the center of the galaxy to spot the hidden black hole, but their effort has gone in vain. The new study has performed more in-depth research of the galaxy with the help of annotations made by NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory in 2018. The new research has included zones, which are tilted away from the central region of the galaxy, which is based on a hypothesis that the hidden black hole might be pushed to the side after a powerful and massive galactic fusion. When the black holes and other gigantic celestial objects crash into each other, it creates ripples in space-time, which are called gravitational waves. Astronomers have said that if these waves are not symmetrical, they might push the black hole away from the center of the colossal galaxy. This process is called ‘recoiling’.

Scientists have mentioned that these pushed aside black holes are purely hypothetical. These black holes have never been identified by telescopes, unlike smaller black holes. Scientists have been able to only detect the fusions of smaller black holes. The team of scientists has been able to find the thickest concentrations of hot gas, which have been located away from the central part of the enormous galaxy in the Abell 2261 cluster. The data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory has failed to detect the preliminary location of these hot gas concentrations. Now, scientists have been relying on Hubble’s successor, NASA’s progressive big James Webs Space telescope, which is going to be sent in space in October 2021. The officials from NASA have said that the detection of these Supermassive hidden black holes will encourage scientists to find out gravitational waves created by the mergers of these gigantic black holes with the help of developing observatories.

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