Marxist analysis method most effective


Politics is inextricably linked with the name of Karl Marx. But he was not only a political entity, but also a seeker of knowledge. Karl Marx therefore has the opportunity to study academically. There is a lot of academic practice about him in western countries. He seems to have been revived. But in Bangladesh he is not being treated that way.

Apart from this, there is room for discussion not only about class inequality but also other inequalities in the writings of Karl Marx. Everything cannot be explained again with class discrimination. That is why the horizon of Marxist discourse needs to be further expanded.

These were the words of the speakers at the Abdul Gafur Memorial Lecture organized by Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS) yesterday. The topic of discussion at the BIDS office in Agargaon in the capital was ‘Marx Studies in Bengal: From a Critical Perspective’. Professor Anu Muhammad, a teacher in the Department of Economics, Jahangirnagar University delivered the commemorative speech. The program was conducted by BIDS Director General Binayak Sen.

In his speech, Anu Muhammad described the Bengali language and the long tradition of practicing Marxism in the Bengali region. Karl Marx was first written in Bengali in 1925 in Langal . Since then a lot has been written from time to time. However, economist Nihar Sarkar published a short version of Karl Marx’s thought called Children’s Economy. The 32nd edition of this book was published in 2001 in Dhaka. This book became the main booklet of Marxist politics in Bengal.

Anu Muhammad added that Karl Marx seemed to be coming back again and again. Many are still excited to discuss him. The point is, Marxist analysis is the most effective way to understand contemporary reality.

Binayak Sen comments that the relationship between Karl Marx and people in the Marxist or academic realm is more emotional than cognitive. In Ray’s protagonist , Uttam Kumar said, “Without Marx and Freud, Bengalis cannot survive.” The point is that the practice of communism deepened in undivided Bengal and later in West Bengal and Bangladesh. Karl Marx became an integral part of everyday human imagination.

Planning Minister MA Mannan was also present on the occasion. After Anu Muhammad’s speech, he thanked BIDS for hosting the Abdul Gafur Memorial Lecture. He hopes that BIDS will organize such events in future.

Dhaka University teachers MM Akash and Mahbub Ullah, CPD special fellows Devpriya Bhattacharya and Mostafizur Rahman and BIDS researchers took part in the discussion.

Devapriya Bhattacharya hopes that Anu Muhammad’s lecture on the practice of Marxism in Bengali language and in the Bengali region will be published in book form in detail. He said that the book will become a book. Now global reports on inequality are being given directly. It is known that most of the wealth has been confiscated in the hands of a few people. Everyone is talking about this. As a result, no one is more relevant now than Marx.

Kazi Nazrul Islam was in touch with the Communist Party. The line of one of his poems is as follows: Swaraj does not want a hungry child. In this context, Professor Mahbub Ullah said, in the colonial reality no one would want Swaraj or independence, what is the point. In a colonial society, the conflict between the people and the colony is the main one. That is, the demand for independence is the main one. The Communist Party of India has grown up with this delusion since its inception.

MM Akash commented that the practice of Marxism in the country was mainly based on Marxist debate.

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