Disobey the Duke If You Dare Manga

What is Disobey the Duke If You Dare Manga?


Disobey the Duke If You Dare is a popular manga series written and illustrated by the Japanese artist, Aki. The manga revolves around the story of a young girl named Erika who has a run-in with the Duke of Toulon, Cedric Granville. The story takes place in the Victorian era in England, where Erika finds herself working as a maid for the Duke after a chance encounter with him. The manga is a romance story that follows the ups and downs of Erika and Cedric’s relationship as they navigate their differences and the societal expectations of their respective classes.

Plot and Characters of Disobey the Duke If You Dare Manga

The manga’s main protagonist, Erika, is a strong-willed girl who is not afraid to speak her mind, even if it means disobeying the Duke. She is a hardworking maid who finds herself in the employ of the Duke after he saves her from a potential danger. Cedric Granville, the Duke of Toulon, is a stern man who is used to getting his way. However, he finds himself drawn to Erika’s independent spirit and soon falls in love with her.

The manga follows their journey as they navigate the societal expectations of their respective classes and their growing feelings for each other. Along the way, they face various obstacles, including jealous suitors and family drama. The plot of the manga is a classic romance story with a unique twist that keeps readers engaged and invested in the characters’ journeys.

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Why Disobey the Duke If You Dare Manga is a Must-Read

“Disobey the Duke If You Dare” is a manga that appeals to fans of romance and historical fiction. The Victorian era setting provides a unique backdrop for the story, and the characters are well-developed and relatable. The manga also tackles important themes such as classism and societal expectations, making it a thought-provoking read.

Another reason why “Disobey the Duke If You Dare” is a must-read is the beautiful artwork. Aki’s illustrations bring the story to life, and the characters are beautifully rendered with attention to detail. The manga is a visual treat, and readers will find themselves getting lost in the intricate details of the panels.


Q. Is “Disobey the Duke If You Dare” manga available in English?

A. Yes, the manga is available in English, and you can purchase it online or at your local bookstore.

Q. How many volumes of “Disobey the Duke If You Dare” manga are there?

A. As of 2021, there are four volumes of the manga available.

Q. Is there an anime adaptation of “Disobey the Duke If You Dare”?

A. At the moment, there is no anime adaptation of the manga.

Q. What is the age rating for “Disobey the Duke If You Dare” manga?

The manga’s rating is T for Teen due to the inclusion of mild language and suggestive themes.


“Disobey the Duke If You Dare” is a must-read manga for fans of romance and historical fiction. The manga’s unique setting and relatable characters make it a compelling read, and Aki’s beautiful artwork adds to the overall experience. Whether you’re a longtime manga fan or a newcomer to the genre, “Disobey the Duke If You Dare” is definitely worth checking out.

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