Developing Insomnia

COVID19 Survivors Are At A Higher Risk Of Developing Insomnia And Anxiety Disorder


For the first time, a study has shown that people who have recovered from COVID19 are at a higher risk of developing a number of psychiatric disorders. Experts have claimed that one in every 17 COVID19 survivors might be diagnosed with anxiety, insomnia, or depression. Scientists have found that 20 percent of COVID19 patients develop such mental issues within 90 days after recovery. The study has looked at millions of patients’ medical history in the US. Experts have said that COVID19 almost doubles the risk of mental disorders as compared to other illnesses. They as well have found that people who have been dealing with psychiatric conditions are 65 percent more likely to catch COVID19. This might be linked to their physical health or medicines, which are given to them, said the experts. Health experts have advised that people who are already dealing with mental issues need to be given suitable care and health services.

The lead author of the study, Dr. Paul Harrison has said that COVID19 survivors who have not been hospitalized as well are at a greater risk of mental problems. Experts have observed around 62000 people with COVID19 for three months after their diagnosis. They have compared them with thousands of people who have been diagnosed with other conditions such as flu, kidney stones, and fractured bones. The study has found that 18 percent of COVID19 survivors have been diagnosed with mental disorders. Around 13 percent of flu patients have been diagnosed with mental conditions and 12.7 percent of people with fractured bones have developed a psychiatric disorder.

Experts have revealed that nearly 5.8 percent of people who have recovered from COVID19 have experienced a relapse of psychiatric conditions. The study has reported that 2.8 percent of flu patients and 2.5 percent of people with broken bones as well have experienced a relapse of mental disorder. Experts have said that anxiety has been the most common mental disorder diagnosed among patients. Patients have experienced adjustment disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder as well. The lead author of the study has warned that there is an urgent need for better treatment and diagnosis. This study has been released in the journal Lancet Psychiatry. Other experts have said that people who have been dealing with physical health issues are usually diagnosed with some kind of mental stress.

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