310 kg sapphire


A huge stone placed on the table right in the middle of the room. But it is not a stone, it is a very precious gemstone sapphire. Weight about 310 kg. This huge gemstone was exhibited in Sri Lanka last Sunday. This gem and its exhibition have already responded. Organizers claim it is the largest natural sapphire in the world.

About three months ago, this giant sapphire was found in a mine in the Ratnapura area of ​​Sri Lanka, which is rich in gems. The mines in the area are especially known for their precious gems. Ratnapura is called the ‘Ratna Rajdhani’ of Sri Lanka.

Local miners and experts have been experimenting with it for so long. This was followed by an exhibition last Sunday. The exhibition was held at the home of a miner in Horana, Kalutara district, 85 km south of the Sri Lankan capital Colombo.

Gem experts there say that this sapphire weighing about 310 kg is very rare and expensive. Never before in the world has such a large natural sapphire been found. However, international level gem experts will check it first. Then formal recognition will be given.

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